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Teacher Culture Survey

Welcome to the CSM Teacher Culture Survey.

CSM Member

$499     One survey

$789      Two surveys

$879     Three surveys

$969     Four surveys


$779      One survey

$1558      Two surveys

$2337     Three surveys

$3116     Four surveys

Once your school has participated in the survey, we offer the opportunity for a CSM survey expert to come alongside and partner with you in interpreting the ‘numbers’, talking about possible follow-up options with your participants, and understand how it might inform your ongoing decision-making. The CSM Consultant would preview your results, and then dive into a conversation with you. The survey zoom call is 2 hours long.

Click here for a CSM Member bundled price that provides additional savings.

$499+475 = $974 one survey and a diagnostic conversation.
$789+900 = $1689 two surveys and two diagnostic conversations.
$879+1320 = $2,199 three surveys and three diagnostic conversations.

$969+1720 = $2,689 four surveys and four diagnostic conversations.

If you wish to become a member, please click through below. Membership provides preferred pricing on all consulting and most other services, and free access to the CSM Library of articles across 11 domains of Christian school management and leadership.

Membership fees never increase as you long as you remain a member. What you pay now is what you pay later.

Become a member 

Once you have paid the Teacher Culture Survey fee, within 3 business days you will receive your key for entering your survey.

The key is the same for every participant ensuring that their answers cannot be traced back to an individual – complete privacy is maintained. 

Set a time to administer the survey with your teachers. We recommend that you:

  • Accomplish the Teacher Culture Survey over a period of 24 hours maximum to ensure best results
  • It should not be administered in the first four weeks of the year or in January
  • It is best for administrators to carry out this survey in a teacher meeting where everybody is present. This is not considered ‘optional’ to do. Participation should be 100% of all those who are present at the school. Those who are absent due to sickness or other reasons can still take the survey if it is within the 24 hour period. 

Tell CSM when you plan to begin the Teacher Culture Survey and we will close it once the 24 hour time has passed. You don’t need to do anything else. 

CSM receives the results and has the final product to you no more than 10 days after the survey is closed.

Note: it is not possible to add questions to the Teacher Culture Survey. To do so would significantly increase the cost to you and us. 

Christian School Management joined forces with Precision Consulting ( to carry out primary research within our own schools. The intent was to develop questions that would be most useful to Christian schools and to provide our-industry-norms giving comparators for any individual school’s scores. Because teachers are the most significant influence outside the home, the research carried out was parallel with both teachers and students participating. 


The initial 47-item CSM survey was administered to assess teacher and students views about faculty culture characteristics [Justice and Loving], Habits of Mind, and the Four Rights of a Child [Joy in Learning, Academic Success, Wellness. Balanced Life]. 


The sample for the pilot study included 24 teachers and 114 students. The sample of students included 43.9% female, 45.6% male, and 10.5% that preferred not to say. The students were in grades 5 through 12, with a mean age of 13.72 (SD = 2.39), ranging from 9 to 20. The of teachers included 83.3% female, 12.5% male, and 4.2% that preferred not to say. The teachers taught in grades 5 through 8 (45.8%), 9 through 12 (16.7%), and 5 through 12 (37.5%), with the majority of teachers (33.3%) reporting 21+ years of teaching experience.


As a result of this study, several questions were eliminated and one question changed to one clearer in meaning. A follow-up study was conducted once these changes had been made. The student sample included 465 students from grades 5th through 12th.  Of this sample, 207 (44.50%) were male and 216 (46.50%) were female (9% preferred not to say). The sample was randomized into an EFA and CFA analysis group. Chi-square and independent t-tests revealed no significant difference between groups for age, gender, ethnicity, grade, and Christian status. The teacher sample included 288 teachers from grades Pre-K through 12th.  Of this sample, 86 (29.86%) were male and 186 (64.58%) were female (5.56% preferred not to say). The sample was randomized into an EFA and CFA analysis group. Chi-square analysis revealed no significant difference between groups for age, gender, ethnicity, years taught, and Christian status. 

The overall Cronbach’s alpha for the total CSM survey for student responses  was found to be highly reliable (α = .952, 47 items). The overall Cronbach’s alpha for the total CSM survey for teachers’ responses was found to be highly reliable (α = .898, 47 items).

A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the sample’s responses to determine the eligibility of the five-factor model determined by the EFA for the CSM Student Listening Survey with factor loadings ≥ .40. The model was fit using R version 1.2.4. The model fit had adequate fit to the data, CFI = .763 and RMSEA = .08 (90% CI = .074,.082). Modification indices did not improve model fit. All of the indicators were found to have significant factor loadings to their latent variables, with standardized coefficients ranging from β  =  .339 to .835 at p < .001 A similar analysis was done with regard to the teachers. The model was fit using R version 1.2.4. The model fit had adequate fit to the data, CFI = .721 and RMSEA = .07 (90% CI = .069,.077). Modification indices did not improve model fit. All of the indicators were found to have significant factor loadings to their latent variables, with standardized coefficients ranging from β  =  .400 to .860 at p < .001

Teacher Five Factor Model

  1. Relationships and Success [15 items]
  2. Learned Optimism [7 items]
  3. Joy and Balance [6 items]
  4. Habits of Mind [6 items]
  5. Learning Community [10 items]


There is similar content in the Student Listening Survey


Student Five Factor Model


  1. Teachers and Success [18 items]
  2. Learned Optimism [9 items]
  3. Joy and Balance [8 items]
  4. Habits of Mind [6 items]
  5. Sense of Community [6 items]

The final report is in PDF format. You can expect to see:

  • “How to use this report”
  • Notes to illustrate the CSM Five Factor Model of Relationships and Success, Learned Optimism, Joy and Balance, Habits of Mind, and Learning Community
  • Summary results from each Factor including norm data for preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, and whole school along with explanatory notes
  • Detailed question by question data, organized by Factor, including norm data by preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, and whole school
  • Net Promoter Score including two parameters
  • Loyalty Score including one parameter
  • Four School Climate questions with results by preschool, elementary, middle, high, and whole school
  • Two open-ended qualitative questions with collected complete data from all respondents who answer
  • Explanatory notes for each section