Once you have paid the Student Listening Survey fee, within 3 business days you will receive your key for entering your survey.
The key is the same for every participant ensuring that their answers cannot be traced back to an individual – complete privacy is maintained.
Set a time to administer the survey with your 5th – 12th grade students.
We recommend that you:
- Accomplish the Student Listening Survey over a period of 24 hours maximum to ensure best results
- Time it in one of the following periods: at least four weeks after the first day of school; at least two weeks before the Christmas break; at least four weeks after the Christmas break; at least one week before or after the Spring break; at least four weeks before the last day of school
- Supervise the Student Listening Survey in the sense of having the students fill it out in supervised groups either by class and/or by advisory group
Tell CSM when you plan to begin the Student Listening Survey and we will close it once the 24 hour time has passed. You don’t need to do anything else.
CSM receives the results and has the final product to you no more than 10 days after the survey is closed.
Note: it is not possible to add questions to the Student Listening Survey. To do so would significantly increase the cost to you and us.